Friday, January 8, 2010

What's outside the universe?

Have you ever wondered what came before before or what's outside outside? If all of the mater in the universe came from one small point or super mater, where did that come from?
I may have an answer.
One of the new theory's about black holes is the material inside is outside of time. If that is true then that material is everywhere that the black hole has been, and everywhere that is is going to be, all at the same time. We'll come back to this later.

Another new theory out there is some invisible force is pushing the universe apart.
I suggest that they are wrong.
If the universe came from a single piece of super mater, (for further reference lets call this AZ-mass) it would have similar property's to that of the mater inside a black hole. It would have all mass and all pure energy, having all four forces combined, strong and week nuclear force, magnetism and gravity.
If this is true then AZ-mass is everywhere and every when all at once.

If there is no time before the universe began then this Creation mass is outside of time, we cannot interact with it because it is outside of time.

Continuing this line of reasoning, the common element here is time. That would mean that everything outside of the universe is outside of time, and everything outside the universe is AZ-mass. That would mean that the edge of the universe where time and (non-time?) meet, would be AZ-mass and absolute gravity/mag/strong-weak nuke-force. Pulling all of creation towards it. but never being able to catch it because it is outside of time.

Now what if we think of a black hole as a large storage devise, like your hard drive. Storing information as well as matter.

Now what if there was a super being that was made up of AZ-mass. It would have all of the power, knowledge, of the universe and could be everywhere and would not be subject to time.

That would mean that we are made of God!

Now spiritually if you think about this it make perfect sense.
If you think about gravity the more mass an object has, the more gravity it has. If think of mass as being part of God the more mass it has the more of God it has and the more attraction it has.
The more energy there is and the purer the energy. the brighter it is. (holy?) (That'll preach)

OK now we know that there is a God now what.
If there is a God we know that he is all powerful, all knowing, everywhere, and without beginning or end.
So if there is an all powerful God that created every thing, then he would want to commune with us his creation. So his teachings would be the most popular and widest distributed in the world.
Question what is the most popular book in the world? answer; the Bible.

Is it so hard to believe that a loving God created us and is guiding us along the way.
Take the time to read his word, love him, love his son Jesus, ask for forgiveness, ask him to be part of your life.